When do we get our flight itinerary?

We determine which airlines you will be flying on and book the tickets between 90 - 120 days prior to your departure date. We will be providing you the flight itineraries after we finalize the booking.

Where do we enter the Holy Land from?

We fly to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel and enter from there.

Air airport transfers included when we arrive?

Yes, we coordinate and cover transfers on arrival and departure from Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv. 

How many stops are there?

Depending on which airlines you are departing from, you may have 1 or 2 stops on your international flight to Tel Aviv. 

How long is the flight typically?

Around 15 - 22 Hours Total. For US travelers, east coast departure cities will be shorter flights while west coast departure cities will be longer flights.

Which airlines will I be traveling on?

As mentioned previously, we don't book the tickets until 90 - 120 days prior to departure so until that point, it is not certain which airlines we will book for you. At the time of booking we will determine the best airline to book based on many important factors involved in providing you the best experience.

Can I request a preferred airlines because I have special perks and points with them?

Please leave a note in the "Notes to Organizer" section when registering with your preferred airline(s). We will do our best to accommodate your request but we can't guarantee it.

How do seating arrangements work?

While some airlines allow us to pick your seating ahead of time, others require an additional fee for guaranteeing your seats in advance. If you don't want to pay the fee, you can always wait until seating selection opens up to all the travelers on the flight during check in and take your chances that way. Glimmer Tours does not guarantee seat assignment or cover the costs of additional seat assignment fees. Please call the airlines ahead of time to make proper arrangements.

Can I upgrade my ticket?

Some of our travelers prefer additional leg room on our flights. If that's the case, you will need to call the airlines after we send you your tickets and ask them for an upgrade to economy plus, comfort or an exit seat. To make sure you get the right seating it is best to make these arrangements with the airlines right away and not wait until the last second. Glimmer Tours does not guarantee seating or cover the costs of upgrades.

All seating adjustments/upgrades must be done directly with the airlines.

What if my family & friends live in another country, can they still join us?

Unfortunately Glimmer Tours can only provide flights for passengers leaving from and returning to the United States. If your family member wants to attend then can fly to the USA and then depart with you from here. Please reach out to [email protected] for additional questions or assistance.