The most popular months for pilgrimages to the Holy Land are March, April, May, September October & November.

Below is historical weather numbers in the Holy Land.

TEMP MIN °F434346545963646664615446
TEMP MAX °F525459707781848482756457
RAINFALL (MM)1331189324300001560105

Live Weather Bethlehem

Live Weather Jerusalem

Below is a summary of the weather across the different seasons of the year.

Summer (June through early September):

Temperatures run in the high 80s and 90s (Fahrenheit). Tel Aviv, the Mediterranean coast and Tiberias are humid. Jerusalem is drier and cooler, particularly at night; even in July, a cotton sweater might be needed. Masada and Eilat are extremely hot, often reaching 110 degrees or more, but dry.

Middle (late March through May; late September through November):

Daytime temperatures for most of Israel will be in the 70s, but in Jerusalem they can drop to the 60s or 50s. Evening temperatures remain pleasant, except in Jerusalem, where it can occasionally be cooler. There are occasional rain showers throughout the country, but nothing torrential.

Winter (December through early March):

Weather fluctuates, with some winters mild and sunny and others less so. Precipitation can be higher in January and February than in other months. Most daytime temperatures will be in the 50s or 60s, but Jerusalem and the Galilee Hills may at times have colder nights.

Disclaimer: Glimmer Tours can not predict the weather forecast so everything listed above are assumptions based on previous weather history.